
This statement reflects who I am in 2024: a graduate student migrant from Latin America in the United States. I wish to avoid recounting any past achievements or academic experience—these are the core ideas of my practice.

My practice is a transdisciplinary exploration involving new media technologies and performance art. I challenge the complex relationship between the face, the body, and personal technology, questioning how the "self" and its performative identities form and coexist in a tech-dependent milieu. As a performer, I use my body as a research entity and create installations with media such as video, holograms, objects, and alternative and analog photographic processes. These works blend in with the concepts of our post-photographic moment. You can call me "The Digital Self."

The debates I engage with in my practice drive me to focus my research on contemporary self-representation. In my practice, I pose the following questions: Can contemporary human beings truly exist without inhabiting a screen? And by inhabiting, I suggest consuming from, with, on, in, inside, outside, next to, around, and within these screens. This question is not intended to be answered; Instead, it inspires me to look for endless possibilities, speculating with art pieces and technological tools in which I oscillate between tangible or tactile, that is, the real, and the "digital" realm. I contemplate the different ways the self can manifest, pondering the gesture's significance encompassing both digital and material realms.

The recent events in my life made me dig deeper into intersectional feminism and Latin America. As a woman from the Andes, recently migrating to the United States, I feel more compelled to discuss the many facets of the self who live in the borderlands and experience marginality; my journey and personal story began long before I came here and even before I saw myself as an artist. The landscapes and women of Ecuador have built up how I inhabit this world, my cosmovision, and the epistemologies in which I think about my artistic practice at present. The self is multiple; the self digresses, and the self is in-between.

Artist Statement