November 2021
WorldViews, Speaker at the Symposium. The Poetics of Abya Yala Towards a Non-Colonial History of Contemporary Art.
Interview in LenScratch.
"Focus on Ecuadorian photographers: Brenda Vega" November 30, 2021
October 2021
BUAM Bienal Universitaria de Arte Multimedial. Centro de Arte Contemporáneo
September 2021
BUAM Bienal Universitaria de Arte Multimedial. Centro de Arte Contemporáneo
October 2020
Expreso. Un encuentro con la mirada de doce artistas.
September 2020

June 2020

April 2020

February 2020

November 2019

October 2019

September 2019
El telegrafo newspaper

July 2019

February 2019

January 2019

December 2018

November 2018
A place for friends Press Release
October 2018

August 2018

July 2018

June 2018

May 2018
Ñan Magazine,
a bilingual touristic magazine made a special on the production of independent Art in Quito-Ecuador. Casa Nodo featured in the special (was an artistic residency where I was one of the artists).Link to follow: Caminata con La Suerte

April 2018
+ Arte Galería participates in the PArC Art Fair in Lima, La Hora Newspaper
La Hora – Abril 17, 2018

January 2018
Spanish. Group Show "Carne Fresca" in Guayaquil-Ecuador, El Universo Newspaper
“La Carte fresca”, arte qye se impulsa desde el sur de Guayaquil. Diario El Universo
“Espacio Violenta” presenta “La escuela del Terror” Diario La República.

December 2017
Spanish. Espacios Particulares, exhibición del programa NODO de No Lugar en Más Arte. Quito-Ecuador

Nueve artistas se reúnen en Espacios Particulares

Facebook No Lugar

Artist Talk, Universidad San Francisco de Quito, COCOA.
I´ve been invited to the Arts Faculty of USFQ in Quito, to show my work and have an open discussion with art students from this School. Friday 1st December.November 2017
"Almas de Montaña". Chicago Duo Show with Sergio Sarango. UNAM- CHICAGO
350 W Erie St. Chicago, Il.Invitation Consulate of Ecuador in Chicago
RADIO INTERVIEW "Spanish Public Radio", based in Chicago.

October 2017
Spanish. Mediación: Diálogos con el incosciente, en relación a la muestra "Absorber la ficción".
Digital Catalogue:
Artist guide in relation to my group exhibition "Absorber la Ficción" in Contemporary Art Center (CAC)-Quito.
Saturday 7th October, 15h00.
CAC´s Facebook

Article in Spanish: written by Edu Carrera, Curator in Chief of Centro de Arte Contemporáneo de Quito
Apuntes sobre el ciclo de exhibiciones colectivas en el Centro de Arte Contemporáneo de Quito.
September 2017
Life Hack Curatorial' exhibition. Harrow- London
1st SeptemberThe exhibition took place on the on the 1st of September as part of a larger group show [South Harrow Contemporary II] which took place in a family home. This is the list of artists and works exhibited: Joshua Byron - i am a sad but hopeful creature Peter Barnard – Amplification Bette-Belle Blanchard – BDSM / AVI Campbell McConnell – Command F Brenda Vega - Performative self-technology Bill Aitchison – China Quick-Fix Curated by Elliot Hewgill

August 2017
An exhibition exploring glitch art in all its forms25th August - 1st October
Smack My Glitch Up - Exhibition at dkuk in London
Art Rabbit press

July 2017
Spanish. Absorber la Ficción (Group Show) Contemporary Art Center of Quito
July 19El Comercio Newspaper
El Telégrafo Newpaper
Facebook Post

Workshop at Arte Actual FLACSO La Casa del Arte en Quito. Lifestyle Kiki
Spanish. Entrevista de Radio- Programa Quito Multicolor, Marcelo Dotti.
Audio fileMay 2017
Writing P h o t o g r a p h s
London College of Communication Project Space
Elephant & Castle Shopping Centre, SE1 6TE
An exhibition by students, alumni and staff from LCC’s BA & MA Photography programmes on the relationship of photography and writing – and how photographs are expanded, altered and dissected through text in the gallery context.
Beverley Carruthers . Victoria Louise Doyle . Ana Escobar . Sabrina Fuller . Alberto Gualtieri . Victoria Jouvert . Jessie McLaughlin . Wiebke Leister . Nassim Rad . Herman Rahman . Ernst Schlogelhofer . Tomoko Suwa-Krull . Jacqui Taylor . Brenda Vega . Agnès Villette . James Wilde .
Private View Wed 3 May 4.30-7.00 with spotlight readings
Open: Thu 4 – Sun 14, Mon-Fri 4.00-7.30, Sat/Sun 2.00-6.00 (not Sat 6 May; Wed 10 May until 5.00)
Fri 12 May 6.00 Responses with Q&A
Sat 13 May 4.00 Tour with Cakes
Sat 6 May 2.00 Panel Debate at Tate Modern
April 2017
Hangzhou -China28 April - 15 May
Plus a performance and symposium talk.

MARCH 2017
NODO. Artist Program in Quito-Ecuador. Artist Residency/ Scholarship.
February - December 2017.

No Lugar – Arte Contemporáneo tiene el agrado de invitar a la presentación de portafolios y recorrido de la Casa Nodo con los artistas participantes en el programa, los esperamos este viernes 10 de marzo desde las 18h00 en la casa Nodo, ubicada en la calle Juan Larrea N15-53 y Buenos Aires, barrio América.
Nodo es el programa para artistas de No Lugar, que brinda una casa para artistas interesados en participar en una experiencia intensa de producción, discusión y formación. Los nueve artistas participantes, fueron elegidos por un comité de selección conformado por Belén Santillán (investigadora), Ana María Garzón (curadora) y el equipo de No Lugar.
Los artistas de Nodo se tomarán las casa por un periodo de nueve meses, haciendo de este lugar un taller de producción y de exhibición de sus procesos artísticos. Los tutores invitados -artistas, curadores y teóricos de destacada trayectoria, tanto internacionales como locales- realizarán visitas al estudio de cada participante. Este programa, centrado en la práctica de ‘taller de artista’, estará complementado por conferencias, laboratorios, visitas de exposiciones y un seminario de lectura estructurado en torno a textos claves del arte contemporáneo. En el mes de agosto realizaremos el simposio curatorial ‘Estrategias en uso’ con curadores internacionales invitados y en diciembre el programa se cierra con una exposición en Más Arte Galería Taller.

December 2016
Out of sight. A symposium about photography and performance

November 2016
Degree Show
July 2016
Performance: Empathy Flows
The launch of zine publication I disrupt, untie, I solve - a publication that uses writing, the performative and our relationship with objects to interrogate our connection to both physical and virtual realms. Produced by students from BA (Hons) Culture, Criticism & Curation, Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts London, it includes contributions by: Miriam Eleonora Barosco, Tatiana Ermolaeva and Olga Carpenco, Imogen Harland, Tom Jenks, Alysha Lee, Håkon Lillegraven, Jasmine Parker, Brenda Vega Mora, Jacob Watmore and Rosie Woodhouse.
Link: I disrupt, untie, I solve

More press:
June 2016
Writing Photographs workshop in Photo Monitor 2016

26 Caledonian Road
A project by LCC MA Photography alumni, staff and students2 - 5 March 2016
Geddes Gallery, K.C. Continental Stores 26 Caledonian Road, London N1 9DU
Peter Ainsworth, Giulia Astesani, Diane Bielik, Anne Clements, Nicky Coutts, Ed Dimsdale, Ana Escobar, Silvia Gentili, Wiebke Leister, Jessie McLaughlin, Linda Motta, Stephanie Murray, Richard Nicholson, Elisa Noguera Lopez, Liz Orton, Minna Pöllänen, Jessica Potter, Sophy Rickett, Alessandra Rinaudo, Michael Rodgers, Roshana Rubin- Mayhew, Ernst Schlogelhofer, Marcello Simeone, Emma Jane Spain, Paul Tebbs, Brenda Vega, Tessa Williams.
Curated by Magali Avezou, Marcello Simeone and Sayako Sugawara.
26 Caledonian Road is an exhibition of site-specific works to be held in a former deli, K.C. Continental Stores, temporarily renamed Geddes Gallery, in the heart of King’s Cross. This inspiring though the unconventional site for an exhibition, now awaiting a new life after its closure, stands out today with its old-fashioned interior, wallpapers, and the unique combination of public and private areas. The architectural nature of the space and its history invite reflection on heritage, memory, and how sculptural bodies (artworks) respond to, and dwell in, domestic spaces.
By inviting the creation of new works for a specific location, the project also aims at exploring their modes of production, encouraging reflection on the artists’ creative process, the role of external projects in their work, and how these are articulated within their usual practice.
The exhibition features mysterious and anonymous portraits of the former inhabitants and owners of the space; distorted and expanded films aimed at re-activating the site ‘about to disappear’; parmesan cheese wrapped in a photogravure on greaseproof paper, and even a ‘Jungian’ cleansing ritual on the opening day to mark the transition from ́home ́ to ́art space’.
The exhibition is curated by the LCC MA Photography Alumni Group and includes works from current students, alumni & staff. Funded by UAL Student Experience & Engagement Fund.
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, 4pm: curators’ exhibition tours Thursday, 6pm: performances by Ana Escobar and Jessica Potter Saturday: talks and performances
June 2013
Pecha Kucha Night, Quito. Vol. 6
Talk "How Photography took me everywhere"
Solo Show "Caribbean Colours" Press in Spanish
July 2011, (post in Spanish)Colores del Caribe, Boletín de Prensa de BALLET FOLKLÓRICO ECUATORIANO DE VIRGINIA ROSERO
Periodismo desde el Corazón Press release