My multimedia installation, “Interfaced nature,” explores digital mediums in a material approach. It brings together a video, a written manifesto, and sculptural work.
The sculpture is a light box made of copper-clad printed circuit boards with reproduced selfies.
The video is a performance for the camera, revealing an awkward relationship between direct contact with nature and a green screen that plays the mediator between the confinement of self and the capacities of new technologies. The screen glitches due to saturation and over usage, as my online persona struggles with this overload.
In addition, the installation gathers synthetic objects: silicone hands and printed screenshots, drawing a fine line between fiction and reality.
This project was exhibited as part of the LCC Ma Photography Degree Show called “Threefold”, that took take place at Ugly Duck Gallery, 47-49 Tanner Street, London, SE1 3PL. Exhibition opening times: December 1st – December 6th, 2016.
Installation: video, sculpture, objects, performance, manifesto in iPad, 2016